Upstream Coding premium members who qualify as a high performers - as measured by code assessments, programming challenges and repository reviews - will earn themselves an opportunity to interview at a select few, hand-picked Pittsburgh companies.
We'll never guarantee that one will secure a job from taking an Upstream workshop. We do guarantee that if a member, through their own investment of time and effort, qualifies as a high performer, that companies will have more confidence in their baseline coding competency. It's up to each member to earn the job themselves.
Upstream Coding premium members who demonstrate high performance - as measured by code assessments, programming challenges and repository reviews - can earn the opportunity to interview for paid contract or internships positions at Robomatter Inc. + VEX Robotics, Inc.
Hiring a new employee can be an arduous and challenging process. Hiring the wrong employee is a costly mistake. The most reliable and cost-effective way to bring new skills in-house -- and retain great talent -- is to upskill existing employees.
Upstream will develop an employee upskilling program specific to a company's tech stack or client service.
Looking for freshly upskilled talent? Ask us about purchasing a seat to our Upstream Talent Pool.